Seating is very limited, don't wait to take your Club to the next level!


Pickleball Club Mastermind

Maximize Your Revenue. Minimize Your Expenses

Imagine spending 3 days with Top Pickleball Club owners and Business and marketing experts who are running pickleball clubs at the highest level...

What To Expect

Hear From Past Members

What If I Don't Have a club yet? How do I know if the mastermind is right for me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule a call with The Guy Who leads the mastermind, devan egan.

Our partners & Sponsors

Seating is very limited, don't wait to take your Club to the next level!

Presented By:


Pickleball Club Mastermind

Imagine spending 3 days with CourtReserve's Top Pickleball Club owners and Business and marketing experts from all across the country who are running pickleball clubs at the highest level...

Hear From Past Members

What To Expect

What If I Don't Have A Club Yet? How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is Right For Me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule A Call With The Guy Who Leads The Mastermind, Devan Egan.


On the fence and want to make sure the mastermind is a perfect fit for your club? Schedule a consultation call with Devan!

Our partners & Sponsors


Special CourtReserve Training and Staff Collaboration

During the Mastermind members will have a unique opportunity to collaborate and strategize with CourtReserve staff.

3 Days of Curated Training At Our In-Person Event

Access content, training, collaboration and intellectual property that you can take back to your Club and immediately execute on. Learn more about the training and content below!

5 Catered Meals

During the event we feed you 5 meals (Dinner, 2 breakfasts & 2 lunches) so that we can spend more time networking and learning how to grow your club.

Swag & Bonuses From Our Sponsors

All attendees will receive a Club Pickleball swag bag & other bonuses from our Mastermind sponsors.

Club Pickleball USA Tour & Facilities Walk-Through

After the event on Saturday night we'll do a walk-through of our 15-court Orem facility. This will be a great opportunity to ask questions, further network, and play some pickleball!

FREE Insider Access To Our Monthly Inner Circle

Besides participating in the 3-day event, you'll be grandfathered into our monthly Club Mastermind webinar and receive access to our private FB Group. This massive value-add ensures that you can continue to be supported with any questions and help you need from our extensive community of experts and members.

​*First-Mover BONUS*

For the first 20 registrations, we will provide preferred seating during the event.

What If I Don't Have A Club Yet? How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is Right For Me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule A Call With The Guy Who Leads The Mastermind, Devan Egan.

Join The Pickleball Club Mastermind


*Register By May 19th @ 12:00 AM MST and get your 3-day hotel stay covered! (Limited offer. Subject to change according to availability. Register now to lock in your accomodations)

Contact Information

Billing Information

Payment Information

Item Price
By providing this contact information you give Club Pickleball Mastermind express written authorization to contact you via email, phone call, text or other messaging technology to discuss your account, new updates and share additional services or products Club Pickleball Mastermind provides. Welcome to the Mastermind!


Special CourtReserve Training and Staff Collaboration

During the Mastermind members will have a unique opportunity to collaborate and strategize with CourtReserve staff.

3 Days of Curated Training At Our In-Person Event

Access content, training, collaboration and intellectual property that you can take back to your Club and immediately execute on. Learn more about the training and content below!

5 Catered Meals

During the event we feed you 5 meals (Dinner, 2 breakfasts & 2 lunches) so that we can spend more time networking and learning how to grow your club.

Swag & Bonuses From Our Sponsors

All attendees will receive a Club Pickleball swag bag & other bonuses from our Mastermind sponsors.

Club Pickleball USA Tour & Facilities Walk-Through

After the event on Saturday night we'll do a walk-through of our 15-court Orem facility. This will be a great opportunity to ask questions, further network, and play some pickleball!

FREE Insider Access To Our Monthly Inner Circle

Besides participating in the 3-day event, you'll be grandfathered into our monthly Club Mastermind webinar and receive access to our private FB Group. This massive value-add ensures that you can continue to be supported with any questions and help you need from our extensive community of experts and members.

​*First-Mover BONUS*

For the first 20 registrations, we will provide preferred VIP seating during the event.

What If I Don't Have A Club Yet? How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is Right For Me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule A Call With The Guy Who Leads The Mastermind, Devan Egan.



To grow and maximize your pickleball club revenue, you need to learn from experts and you need to implement cutting-edge business and marketing strategies. 

As an exclusive member of the Mastermind you will learn how to:

Maximize Revenue

  • ​How to manage your Club Calendar
  • ​How to structure & sell Club memberships & sponsorships
  • ​Hosting programs & strategic incentives

Grow Your Player Pool

  • Explode your new player pool
  • ​How to quantify the value of a new player
  • ​Implementing funnels to create a memorable experience

Perfect Your Pricing Model

  • Our "secret sauce" pricing matrix
  • ​Finding the perfect balance and pricing plan for your club
  • How to create leverage and incentivize new memberships

Master Your Marketing

  • ​How to create scalability and consistency
  • ​The art of powerful and strategic targeting and follow-up
  • ​Exclusive behind-the-scenes with Syndicate Marketing

Leverage Sponsorships

  • ​Our time-tested sponsorships pricing model
  • ​Create another massive stream of revenue for your club
  • ​Finding, negotiating, and building long-term relationships

Host Tournaments

  • Tournament marketing and seamless registration
  • ​How to keep your tournament expenses ridiculously low
  • ​Tournament formats and management 101

Create A Community

  • ​How to create a community that markets you for FREE
  • ​The importance of community and following
  • Leveraging the power of an effective referral program

Incorporate Branding & Swag

  • ​The Club Pickleball "Branding Squeeze"
  • ​Using swag and apparel to build your brand
  • ​​Special access to our swag partner and top-selling items

Build Programming

  • ​How to create an experience players are eager to pay for
  • ​A comprehensive dive on all our most popular events
  • ​Leverage court reserve and other technology in your SOPs

Minimize Expenses

  • ​Big savings opportunities that most other clubs overlook
  • ​Important tax deductions
  • ​Leverage exclusive content and Tax Hive partnership

What If I Don't Have A Club Yet? How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is Right For Me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule A Call With The Guy Who Leads The Mastermind, Devan Egan.

What If I Don't Have A Club Yet? How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is Right For Me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule A Call With The Guy Who Leads The Mastermind, Devan Egan.


Tim & Ashley Owens

Between Tim’s technical wizardry and Ashley’s marketing prowess, these two have set the standard for club management tools. 

Your Mastermind membership will give you unique access to the Court Reserve team and get first access to upcoming tests and new tech rollouts.

Devan & Mike Egan

The son & father duo have changed the pickleball Club game! The mash-up of their professional backgrounds in sales, marketing, investing and event management has been infused into every aspect of Club Pickleball USA. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to network with them and many other industry leaders!

What If I Don't Have A Club Yet? How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is Right For Me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule A Call With The Guy Who Leads The Mastermind, Devan Egan.

On the fence and want to make sure the mastermind is a perfect fit for your club? Schedule a consultation call with Devan!

On the fence and want to make sure the mastermind is a perfect fit for your club? Schedule a consultation call with Devan!


Tim & Ashley Owens

Between Tim’s technical wizardry and Ashley’s marketing prowess, these two have set the standard for club management tools. 

Your Mastermind membership will give you unique access to the Court Reserve team and get first access to upcoming tests and new tech rollouts.

What If I Don't Have A Club Yet? How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is Right For Me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule A Call With The Guy Who Leads The Mastermind, Devan Egan.

Devan & Mike Egan

The son & father duo have changed the pickleball Club game! The mash-up of their professional backgrounds in sales, marketing, investing and event management has been infused into every aspect of Club Pickleball USA. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to network with them and many other industry leaders!


On the fence and want to make sure the mastermind is a perfect fit for your club? Schedule a consultation call with Devan!


What If I Don't Have A Club Yet? How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is Right For Me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule A Call With The Guy Who Leads The Mastermind, Devan Egan.

What If I Don't Have A Club Yet? How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is Right For Me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule A Call With The Guy Who Leads The Mastermind, Devan Egan.

More Testimonials!

What If I Don't Have A Club Yet? How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is Right For Me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule A Call With The Guy Who Leads The Mastermind, Devan Egan.

What If I Don't Have A Club Yet? How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is Right For Me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule A Call With The Guy Who Leads The Mastermind, Devan Egan.


Where is the Mastermind?
The event will be held at Club Pickleball USA’s partner office in Orem, UT near Utah Valley University. It’s just 5 minutes down the street from Club Pickleball USA’s 15-court facility. The address will be delivered in your confirmation materials.
When is it?
We start at 4:00pm on Thursday and finish up Saturday night. So we’d recommend you fly in on Thursday morning to get settled and fly home Sunday morning after the event concludes Saturday.
What airport should I fly into?
SLC, Salt Lake International. The mastermind event is about 45 minutes south of the airport, so you will want to catch an Uber or rent a car.
Are my travel expenses included?
If you meet the registration deadline, your 3-night hotel stay will be covered. All other travel arrangements and expenses (flight, Uber, rental car etc) are up to you to book with your preferred travel partners.
What if I don’t meet the registration deadline, can I get a discounted rate at the hotel?
Yes, subject to room availability with the Marriott property, you can receive our discounted rate. It’s typically $100/night including tax. If you meet the registration deadline, but need more than 3 nights on your stay, you can also receive the special rate for your extra nights.
What should I expect when I attend? 
The Club Mastermind will include both an educational and collaborative environment. At times, you’ll want to grab your pen & paper to listen and learn. Other times, you’ll want to engage, contribute and offer insight to the rest of the group. The primary objective is to gather 20+ club owners into a room and create a laboratory for ideas, innovation and proven methods for clubs to grow and scale their business.
Can I bring an extra guest?
Subject to availability, yes. If you’re one of the early registrations, this won’t be difficult to accommodate. We already have a +1 option in the sign up process ($4,497) for you and a guest, so select that option. But if you’re looking to attend alongside 2 other participants, we will need to approve it and would take a 3rd registration for $1,500 under your primary (host) registration. 
What’s included with my ticket?
Foremost, you receive a seat in the mastermind to absorb 3 days of content, training & collaboration. You’ll also receive dinner Thursday night, breakfast & lunch on both Friday & Saturday and a Club Pickleball swag bag from our sponsors. For those who register in time, you’ll also receive your complimentary 3-night hotel stay at the neighboring Marriott property and preferred seating. We’ll also play pickleball Saturday night for 2 hours at the Orem Club Pickleball USA. 
If I’m a tennis & pickleball club owner, is this the right fit for me?
If you like making more money, creating new revenue opportunities and perfecting your programming model, then yes! We’ll show you how to introduce new players to your Club and design the funnel for advancing them through your coaching and programming events. You should either have an existing pickleball base or at least have interest in adding pickleball to your use and functions.
My club is already successful, should I attend?
Yes, the room will be full of successful club owners and that’s the point. Every club has its own set of processes and procedures that they’ve mastered, but we all have blind spots - areas where the insight of someone else would open up opportunities. Everyone in the group, because of the Competitor Commitment, should feel safe about sharing freely without the risk of sacrificing intellectual property that could be used by a competitor. You should leave the mastermind with an extensive list of actionable items to make your Club better & more profitable.
Will there be another date I can attend?
As of now, this event is the only option on the calendar. Based on the response, we anticipate adding amore, but we can’t guarantee it will be at this price. We recommend that you join our community early! Register now! 
Who do I contact for support or other questions?
The Club Pickleball Mastermind team can be reached at For urgent requests, you can request a phone call via text: (801) 895-0073.

What If I Don't Have A Club Yet? How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is Right For Me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule A Call With The Guy Who Leads The Mastermind, Devan Egan.

What If I Don't Have A Club Yet? How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is Right For Me? 

GET ANSWERS & Schedule A Call With The Guy Who Leads The Mastermind, Devan Egan.

Pickleball Club Mastermind 2024 All Rights Reserved